Violent violence escalates in West Bank as war erupts in Gaza

Violent violence escalates in West Bank as war erupts in Gaza

As the world focuses on the war in Gaza, since Hamas’ devastating attack on Israel, tensions have risen in the West Bank, where 55 Palestinians were killed last week. Clashes with Israeli soldiers, raids and attacks by Jewish settlers. This is according to the Ministry of Health of the Palestinian Authority.

UN watchdogs say it has been the deadliest week for Palestinians in the West Bank since at least 2005.

Since Hamass’ massive invasion of southern Israel, in which terrorists have killed more than 1,300 people, mostly civilians, and abducted about 150 to 200 Israeli forces, the West Bank has taken over Tighten by closing access points into checkpoints and checkpoints between cities. Says intended to prevent attacks.

There have been several clashes between IDF and Palestinian forces in the West Bank in recent days, with the army reporting at least 10 terrorist attacks.

Friday was a dangerous day, with 16 Palestinians killed in various incidents in the West Bank, according to PA figures. Four of them were shot dead by officers after exploding in an apparent attempt to break through a West Bank security post, police said.

The military says it has arrested 220 people in raids across the West Bank, including 130 Hamas operations since last weekend’s attacks. Hamas terrorists are present in the West Bank, but mostly operate underground.

The renewed crackdown comes as Israel is concerned about the escalation of the conflict into a multi-faceted war, especially the possibility of Lebanon’s Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorist organization taking part in the fighting.

But Palestine claims that Israel’s latest move in the West Bank has further blurred the line between security forces and settlers. Extremist violence. Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, a far-right settler with a long history of anti-Arab incitement, has responded to Hamas attacks by distributing more weapons to new settlers and civilians. You settle safely.

The damage was seen to be caused by a security barrier in the West Bank near the Nitsanei HaShalom industrial zone on October 13, 2023. (Israeli police)

In a statement after the Hamas massacre in southern Israel, he said his office was distributing 10,000 weapons, as well as combat equipment, helmets and helmets to Israeli civilians, with a particular focus on Residents of Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

“We will change the world so that settlements will be protected,” he said. I ordered the large-scale arsenal of the Civilian Waiting Unit in order to protect the settlements and the city.

On Friday, a video showed a settler with an assault rifle walking into the village of Al-Tuwani in the south. West Bank and shot at empty Palestinian territory.

Two days ago, the PA reported that settlers had shot dead three Palestinians in the village of Qusra near Nablus, north of the West Bank. On Thursday, settlers attacked their funeral home, killing two more men, according to the PA. Video shows settlers driving into a funeral home before a ceasefire.

On Thursday, settlers arrived at Wadi Seeq, a small Bedouin village of about 200 people in the central West Bank. The Palestinians there packed their belongings. Villagers say they have relocated all women, children and livestock to safer areas in recent days due to the growing threat. Witnesses say settlers opened fire, injuring three Palestinians and evicting the rest. Leaving the village.

Pictures showing a covert settlement near the West Bank village of Qusra, October 11, 2023. (Screenshot, X used in accordance with Article 27a of the Copyright Act)

Abdelrahman Kaabni, chairman of the Wadi Seeq village council, said soldiers and police had joined the attack, beating and arresting residents. As Wadi Seeq villagers fled the settlers’ violence, they left behind a pet pit, solar panels and two cars. “The settlers took everything and now they are sitting in our house,” Kaabni said.

Wadi Seeq is the sixth Bedouin village to acquire shares in recent years in response to a surge in attacks from settlers. Many more are at risk of total displacement, according to the West Bank Defenders Association, an alliance of aid groups and donor countries, including the European Union, which supports the Palestinian community.

Neither COGAT, the Israeli defense body responsible for Israeli civilian and military affairs, responded to requests for comment. In the past, authorities have said that soldiers only opened fire in response to threats or violent protests, and that soldiers are defending Palestinians from attacks by settlers.

The United Nations said last month that 1,100 Palestinians had been displaced by violence in recent years, an unprecedented number. In recent days, about 200 to 300 Palestinians have been displaced in Wadi Seeq and other areas, the coalition said.

They will leave now because they feel completely helpless. They are terrified of the settlers who come to threaten them, ”said Allegra Pacheco, the company’s chairman.

Palestinians wear masks during a clash with Israeli forces after a rally in solidarity with Gaza by Fatah supporters and the Hamas terrorist group in Hebron, West Bank, on October 13. 2023 (Hazem Bader / AFP)

Most of the attacks came from settlements set up without government permission but protected by Israeli army. More than 500,000 Jewish settlers live in nearly 150 settlements across the West Bank, home to about 2.5 million Palestinians. The international community considers the settlement illegal and a major obstacle to peace. Israel occupied the West Bank along with Gaza and East Jerusalem in the 1967 Six-Day War. Palestinians want land for the future of their state.

On Saturday, Israeli military spokesman Daniel Hagari appeared to be urging settlers to stand up, saying: Responsibility for security in settlements and on the streets rests with the army alone.

But messages continued to circulate on WhatsApp, a group of Jewish settlers created since the beginning of the war to facilitate operations in the West Bank. A description of a chat group of more than 800 participants told residents to prepare for the possibility of gathering for joint action with security forces for the immediate demolition of terrorist houses.

The message urged residents to eliminate any Palestinians approaching the settlement.

“From the story of the Gaza Strip, it is clear that we cannot rely on the army alone to protect us in times of unrest.” “Are you ready for war?”

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