When Terrorists Speak, They Pay attention

When Terrorists Talk, They Listen


Yigal Carmon is among the few Israelis who can declare to have predicted this battle. His Aug. 31 article “Indicators of Doable Battle in September-October” cited provocations by Hezbollah, escalating violence within the West Financial institution and threats from Hamas as proof of regional coordination for one thing huge. “Israel will seemingly be compelled to undertake a large-scale response,” he wrote, “even at the price of an all-out battle.”

Some particulars have been off, however Mr. Carmon says anybody paying consideration would have seen the writing on the wall. “They mentioned all of it. They mentioned all the pieces,” Mr. Carmon, a former Israeli intelligence officer and counterterrorism adviser to 2 prime ministers, says in a cellphone interview from Jerusalem. As president and a co-founder of Memri, the Center East Media Analysis Institute, he had publicized Hamas’s movies promoting its drills for an invasion of Israel, in addition to its claims that whole battle was coming.

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