The Welfare-Industrial Complicated Is Booming

The Welfare-Industrial Complex Is Booming


Allysia Finley

Dec. 31, 2023 11:23 am ET

Drill into the nation’s 3.7% unemployment fee, and also you’ll discover a rising welfare-industrial advanced beneath the seemingly sturdy labor market. Authorities, social help and healthcare account for 56% of the two.8 million internet new jobs over the previous yr, and for almost all good points in blue states corresponding to New York and Illinois.

The tens of hundreds of migrants pouring into huge cities have to be tended to. So do the a whole lot of hundreds of drug-addled and mentally ailing homeless residing on the streets. Progressive authorities doesn’t do something on a budget. America’s welfare state has thus change into a proverbial Large Dig, and it retains getting larger.

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