Maine Casts Its Poll for Trump

Maine Casts Its Ballot for Trump


This week’s enormous in-kind contribution to Donald Trump’s re-election marketing campaign is from Maine secretary of state Shenna Bellows, who introduced Thursday that she’s going to unilaterally delete Mr. Trump’s identify from the presidential major poll. Maine is now the second state, after Colorado, to declare him a Jan. 6 insurrectionist underneath Part 3 of the 14th Modification. Paging the U.S. Supreme Court docket, alas.

Ms. Bellows’s administrative ruling largely tracks the opinion final week from the Colorado Supreme Court docket, besides she blows by way of all of the knotty authorized questions in a breezy 34 pages. Part 3 was handed after the Civil Conflict to cease Confederates who “engaged in revolt” from retaking authorities posts. Making use of it to Mr. Trump and the riot on Jan. 6, 2021, includes a collection of doubtful authorized propositions.

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