Biden's Silly Snub of Nippon Metal

Biden's Foolish Snub of Nippon Steel


Nippon Metal’s proposed $15 billion acquisition of U.S. Metal “seems to deserve severe scrutiny,” the White Home mentioned Thursday. The assertion got here after an outcry from protectionist lawmakers, together with Sen. John Fetterman (D., Pa.), who’ve cited union and national-security considerations and vowed to dam the sale. The anti-Japanese enterprise rhetoric is paying homage to the Eighties, when U.S.-Japan commerce tensions threatened to undermine a critically essential bilateral alliance throughout the Chilly Conflict.

U.S. politicians’ unjustified criticisms of the deal might pressure relations between the U.S. and Japan and weaken their collaboration on commerce and financial safety. The White Home ought to work with allies on financial and army cooperation, not criticize them.

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