Biden Took New Hampshire for 'Granite'

Biden Took New Hampshire for 'Granite'


Joe Biden is working as if he have been unopposed for the Democratic presidential nomination, however he might face a comeuppance in New Hampshire. Within the title of “range,” the Democratic Nationwide Committee demoted the Granite State from its conventional standing because the first-in-the-nation main in favor of South Carolina, the place Mr. Biden’s 2020 marketing campaign took flight.

New Hampshire determined to carry its main on Jan. 23 anyway, a lot to the DNC’s chagrin. The state received’t allocate any conference delegates, and the DNC insists that makes the first “meaningless.” But it surely might show an early measure of the incumbent’s weak point. Mr. Biden determined to not put his title on the poll, forcing allies to run a write-in marketing campaign towards Rep. Dean Phillips and self-help creator Marianne Williamson.

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